Friday 19 June 2015

Google Breadcrumbs Docs Updated But Don't Expect Hyperlinks To Return

Jun 15, 2015 • 7:55 am | by Barry Schwartz:-

Back in April, Google introduced breadcrumb URL markup for the search results. It would show a breadcrumb trail in the mobile and maybe desktop Google snippet instead of just your URL. This also was introduced with the Site Name markup.

Google's Gary Illyes announced on Google+ that Google has fresh new technical documentation on the breadcrumb schema for you all. He said "The new Breadcrumbs documentation is now live on Google Developers! Check it out and make use of it!"

The new docs are over at

I should note, that Gary also added on Twitter after being asked, that the breadcrumb hyperlinks that dropped out last year are not likely returning. Gary said he isn't aware of any plans to bring back that feature.